Harper’s Canada Drifts To Extreme Right Christian Fundamentalism As A Driver For Shaping Our Country’s Social And Economic Policies

By Mark Taliano 

Canada’s headlong rush to the extreme right of the political spectrum is multi-causal. harper-evangelicals-used-in-blog1-226x300

While the economic theory of neoliberalism/neoconservatism has been transferring wealth and power upwards in Canada (and throughout much of the world) for over 30 years now, Canada’s current acceleration towards a dystopian cliff can be partly explained by religion.  

Canada’s current embrace of Republican-style politics and economic theory has thrust us into the arms of Christian Fundamentalism, which has a strong political constituency in the United States’ Republican party, and now, in the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC). 

Author James Hall explains that the CPC political base, which includes the Reform Party and, before that, the Social Credit Party, has a strong Fundamentalist base, similar to the religious base of the Republican party under former U.S president Bush.  Further, Hall explains that much of the base is Christian Zionist as well. 

The personal belief systems of the CPC politicians may or may not align with the Christian Fundamentalist ideology, but the economic theory of neoliberalism aligns itself with the ideology for purposes other than spiritual.

The Christian Fundamentalist ideology, as described by Chris Hedges in American Fascists, The Christian Right And The War On America, has certain defining characteristics that distinguish it from other religions. 

One of the most salient of these differences is the belief that the Bible was meant to be taken literally.  It follows from this that the earth is 6,000 years old, that a vengeful God will save believers and punish non-believers, and that God will take care of the earth’s environment.  

Politically and socially, biblical literalism enables a binary world view of good and evil,  which in turn fosters intolerance for those who live and believe differently.  The Christian Right, for example, is intolerant of homosexuality, abortion, “non-believers” (including Muslims), “secular humanists”, and real science.

Seen through this lens, the Harper government’s suppression of  real science is understandable, as is its promotion of cataclysmic global warming through the unsustainable development of the Tar Sands and other extractive industries.  Why worry about the earth and the environment if God will take care of everything?

In this world view, God protects believers and erases the anxiety of  moral choice.   Even imperial war crimes are rendered palatable, since the people being murdered are infidels. 

The “gospel of prosperity”, as taught by the televangelists, also shows that since a belief in God  means “freedom”, believers don’t need unions, human rights, collective bargaining, or other  social/public protections. This “gospel” is then exploited by neoliberals who, for selfish motives of personal enrichment, endorse it.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see where this is headed, or to see why the separation of church and state is imperative. 

Not only can a government mobilize a huge constituency of voters if it is aligned with the church, but it can also exploit belief systems by creating self-serving legislation that is seemingly endorsed by, in this case, Biblical literalism.

Taken a step further, the hierarchical (male) governance of the Church can be seen as a model for top down, anti-democratic  political governance, and ultimately, for totalitarianism, which, Hedges argues, could manifest itself as Christo-fascism.

Canada has most of the symptoms.

Mark Taliano is a Niagara, Ontario resident and regular contributor of news and commentary to Niagara At Large

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13 responses to “Harper’s Canada Drifts To Extreme Right Christian Fundamentalism As A Driver For Shaping Our Country’s Social And Economic Policies

  1. So why haven’t the Liberals & the NDP expolited these fact of the right wing Christian fundamental movement within the Conservative Party.they would surely win more votes if they did.


  2. Greg Middleton

    While it can not be denied that religion plays a role in politics, come on…. this article is a little over the top and smacks of a hidden agenda.
    If this were true, why would the focus of our immigration efforts be directed towards non-Christian countries? Seems if you want to create a right neo-Christian utopia you wouldn’t import people from India, China, Pakistan ….. like we do!
    While I am not a fan of Harper or any of the current politicians some more than others, me thinks this person has an axe to grind and is hoping that this tripe gains traction.
    Just sayin…..


    • Joseph Witalis

      Actually, the salient point here is the authoritarian structure of conservative Christian evangelicals, and how it insinuates its way into our socio-political processes. It would be helpful for you to read a Canadian study on the impact of evangelical fundamentalists, ”The Armageddon Factor,” written by respected journalist Marci McDonald. It surprised me in how far the evangelicals have got their foot in the door of Parliament and especially the PMO. It is a well-researched and documented study, and does not qualify as ”tripe.”


  3. Since Canada has a historic background of religion, it is hard to believe that the ‘evil Harper’ is rushing headlong to the extreme religious right.

    One thing is self evident. We have had enough of the ‘Angelic Liberals.

    Then of course we could all vote for ‘Godless Socialism’.


  4. Gail Benjafield

    I’ve said it before, and I know I am flogging a dead horse here, but as a librarian/reader you can do no better than to read Marci MacDonald’s “The Armageddon Factor: The rise of …. evangelicalism in Canada”. It is highly readable. It is available through your public library system. Pls consider reading. Worth every minute. Talks about Harper throughout and his chosen church. Tells you everything you need to know about his personal ideology.


  5. Linda McKellar

    Hallelujah Mark! I agree on all points.
    Religion has no place in the policies of a country. Of course such opinions bring a hue and cry that all who are not religious are amoral and attempting to destroy the sanctity of a Christian society whereas I believe fanatical religious folks are the ones who are in fact destroying Canada, the US and any other land where theocracies are ascending, eg Egypt, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan. The most secular nations are the most progressive in caring for all their citizens, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, etc. The theocracies are often hell holes. Wherever religion is regaining a foothold, social programmes are being eliminated. How Christian is that?
    Religions are misogynistic, selfish, condescending of those not of their own beliefs and suspicious. People like Harper use it to justify his rape of the environment (god will magically fix it somehow), the restrictions on and funding cuts against science and the abrogation of many rights of the average person eg choice re abortion, unions and rampant capitalism. The strong and the pious will prosper.
    The bible is not only allegorical but written by humans and those humans lived in ancient times with no knowledge of science. They were as fearful as Grog who lived in caves and trembled at thunder so they created mythology just as the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Norse did, 1- to explain their fears, especially of death and 2- to control the populace and keep order. Running nations based on such philosophies is insanity.
    Right wing Christians are the new fascists and need to be reined in before they destroy everything generations have created and fought and died for in our land. Religion has contributed to architecture and music but also to countless wars, burning of heretics (both still going on in places), racial and sexual discrimination, hypocrisy and misogyny. Sounds a little scary to base any system of government upon such beliefs.
    A very interesting You Tube is by Neil deGrasse Tyson who details the decline of Middle Eastern society after the 12th century when a Muslim cleric declared science the work of the devil. Prior to that the area had been the centre of the known world for culture and science hence Arabic numerals, astronomical names, and algebra. (The Catholic church took several hundred years to lift its excommunication of Galileo for being heretic enough to claim the sun revolved around the earth!) Since then the middle east has reverted to a backward cesspool. There are lessons to be learned from history but we perpetually hang on to ridiculous beliefs to our detriment.


  6. As a non-fundamentalist Christian, I consider that many aspects of fundamentalism are foolish, involve lack of love for God, God’s creation, and our neighbours, and can lead to downright heresy. I am appalled that this government lets such fallacies influence their judgement, and I resent that many people feel that all Christians have similar views. This charade has to stop! STOP HARPER! SAVE CANADA!


  7. So now they seek to boot the christian believers out of politics according to the article. Such are the days of the end as it is written.
    Mankind exploits the word of God and any other means to achieve their agenda and then the rest of mankind seek to rid the world of the innocent ones to fulfill their agenda.
    In the Bible we are told to pray for our battle is against, principalities and powers.


    • “The rest of mankind seek to rid the world of the innocent ones to fulfill their agenda.”

      Right Wing Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christianity is hardly innocent. You’d be hard pressed to find any religion/sect with a bloodier history.


  8. If these ‘fundies’ actually understood the Bible they would come to realize it is they who are false.


  9. For GAWD sake, will the underdeveloped ever choose knowledge instead of bedtime bible stories on which to base their belief system? Why do we continue to allow these misguided idol worshipers to continue to hold sway in our OFFICIALLY secular society. If it helps them get through the day, so be it, but these sheeple should not continue to be allowed to influence public policy.


  10. There is NO PLACE in politics for ANY RELIGION! Church and State MUST BE SEPARITE or you risk the type of shitstorm harper has created.


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