Comments Policy

 Niagara At Large wants you to wade in with your views on any of the issues featured in the news and commentary pages of this site.
You are also welcome to share your views on other topics you feel deserve more attention than what they are getting in the chain-owned, mainstream media across-our binational region.
As an independent, on-line source of news and commentary, with no partisan ties or preconceived notions other than to dig for some truth and whatever is  fair for the ordinary citizen, Niagara At Large welcomes a diversity of opinion on issues of interest and concern to our families, our friend and our neighbours and fellow citizens.
In that spirit, Niagara At Large has no interest in becoming just one more echo chamber in cyberspace for people who share the same political ties or views on an issue. To the contrary, a goal of this site is to become a dynamic forum for discussion and debate – a ‘new media’ equivalent of a town hall that everyone, from ordinary citizens to community leaders, want to engage in as we search for ways to make our towns and cities the best places possible to live, work and visit.
But like older fashion town halls or newspapers you might remember before the age of blogging, Niagara At Large is requiring everyone submitting a comment to live by the same rules as regular contributors to this site and link their name to their views.
To put it simply, Niagara At Large will not post anonymous comments for reasons that have to do with accountability and a desire to discourage remarks that violate any sense of civility.
If adding your name to your views is okay with you then please follow the prompts to the end of one of the columns posted on this site and fill out the” leave a comment” form with your name, email address and views. We promise that your email address will not be published on this site (unless you want it to be) and will only be used to contact you if Niagara At Large’s editors have any questions or concerns about the comments submitted.
We will also be moderating comments submitted before they are published and will be filtering out those that include excessive foul language, unwarranted personal attacks or other views that may be defamatory or cross the bounds of civility.
Feel free to contact Niagara This Week’s publisher, Doug Draper, at if you have any questions or concerns about Niagara At Large’s comments policy.

17 responses to “Comments Policy

  1. Chris Wojnarowski

    Congratulations on your roll out, although it would have been nice to hear about it from you.
    Break out the champers!

    Would you be amenable to a regular column?

    What would be the prefered word total?

    Regards & best wishes


  2. If one’s opinion happens to be different then yours will it be printed?


  3. George Marshall

    Like what I’ve read so far. Good Luck on your endeavour.


  4. I am a member of Preserve Our Parks (POP) and thought your comments on the first opening meeting of the NPC to be accurate. There is still lots of things to be changed that will improve the NPC. The parklands do not belong to the commissioners. They belong to the PUBLIC and they need to be aware of that.


  5. I heard Mr Hudak on radio station CHML this afternoon. I tried to get into the petition re foriegn students being granted university scholarships over Ontario residents. We strongly oppose this move by Dinky Dalton. Please add our famililies most strong disapproval of this move.
    The honey Family.


  6. Hey Doug, where do you get off being so smug? Do you have an on ramp going through your front yard? obviously you must be getting your hand greased for this you must live uptown and you’re probably some fat ass that has nothing else to do but piss people off. Imay as throw my house away because of big mouths like you.


    • Chris Wojnarowski

      Mr James, Doug may be right or wrong and is willing to be challenged on the merits of his position. However, published ad-homenem attacks inform no-one and certainly don’t sway public opinion to your position. We would all like to read exactly WHY you so passionately disagree with Doug, and just maybe you can redeem your credibility in the blogosphere.


  7. Gary Screaton Page

    Jack Layton’s Courage Tested Anew

    Today is a sad day in Canadian politics and in the lives of the family of Opposition Leader Jack Layton. Mr. Layton’s leadership of the NDP set it on its history-making course that gave the party its record-breaking number of seats in the current parliament.

    Mr. Layton’s passion for families, fairness, and justice is well document. His eternal optimism is even now unwavering even in the light of the new challenges he faces with the diagnosis that a new cancer is assaulting his body. Few thinking Canadians, even those firmly committed to other political parties, would deny that Mr. Layton’s life continues to be dedicated to justice for the least empowered in our society. He has earned the respect of all Canadians.

    Since I first knew of Mr. Layton as a force for a more humane Toronto, I have had a great admiration for his undaunting efforts to make life better for the underserved in our cities, province, and nation. Along with many others, of all political stripes, I wish Jack Layton and family all the best. Like so many others, I look forward to seeing him at the helm of the NDP, as Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition come the fall parliamentary sitting.

    Mr. Layton, we wish you strength in the days to come and good health in the not-to-distant future. Meanwhile, thank you for your exemplary courage and your commitment to a fairer, more just Canadian society.

    — 30 –


  8. I wish all the best to Mr .Layton and his family, hope for a good outcome and can’t wait to shout “JACK IS BACK”!!!!


  9. Gary Screaton Page

    Another Year Older and Deeper in Debt

    Just when I thought I might leave this world debt free I find I owe $17 000, and I didn’t even take out the load.
    Well it’s been almost 6 months since I found out. And, if you still haven’t read it, then read it and weep. The Fraser Alert (Sept. 2012)–from the Fraser Institute–reports that Corporate welfare in Canada is at an all-time high. While infrastructures fail, Canadian health care is in disarray–ranking 10th among industrialized countries–our deficits remain high and our national date gets a failing grade. Presently, every Canadian—that’s you and I friends—bears a $17 000 plus share of the debt burden which continues to grow.

    Yet since 1982 the Federal Government has spent over 13.7 billion dollars on subsidies to business, 44% of that disbursed with no requirement to repay. Only 28% of the amount that was to be repaid has been! Meanwhile the same government is cutting back funding to most social programs and continues to screw over our military personnel in the most shameful of ways.

    If ever we needed leadership with a conscience it is now. When will all levels of government take the mantra of business seriously, and actually make big businesses compete on a level playing field with small business which don’t get subsidies and indeed shouldn’t. If a business cannot survive without government money—our money, which may even compete with our businesses—it should die.

    If competition is good, then governments should not be subsidizing poorly run businesses to compete with better run businesses. Surely you noticed that Ford didn’t need the money flow that Provincial and Federal Governments gave GM and Chrysler. Why did we pay the latter to compete with the former which was doing much better in the first place?
    Can you imagine someone coming to your door to collect that $17 000 you owe? Bet you couldn’t pay it. Apparently, the Federal government can’t either. And, Ontario, that story does bring tears to my eyes!
    I wonder if we will really remember this waste of our money in the next elections. If history teaches anything, we will not: same old, same old!!


  10. Doug, I think you need to examine some of the language used by certain individuals in the economic development thread and the regional transit thread about me. I am not going to tolerate this individual anymore, as he repeats the same lies and mantra that the Toronto Sun does. I do not come to this site to read the Toronto Sun and get personally attacked for my opinions. I would suggest you review all of the comments of this individual to me and to some others, as they do include personal attacks.


  11. I have voted NDP for abut 25 years. If NDP forms a coalition with the Liberals I will never vote for them again. I am against the Sex Education curriculum and NDP would simply enforce it. They have no right to change the course of my grandchildren!


  12. I try to read everything I can about the Training School Abuse Civil Suit as I’m a survivor and I have some VERY important things to say.

    How can MP’s give public apologies while the Ontario government is disputing these same events in court? Trying to draw out the process and increase the enormous legal fees that have already accumulated.

    I am not afraid to talk about what happened to us.


  13. Doug, to see the truth, to see the ‘ emperor’s new clothes’ the illusions of the Great America that has been despoiled by corrupt capitalism, police enforcement of racism, to see the economic system rigged for the wealthy and then to see the pandering solons avoiding their real responsibilites in effecting change in our government (US) and you having the bravery to call it out. Terrific leadership and great caring for the health of all of our peoples.

    Makes me happy to have a friend in Canada like you. Hope the Premier also listens and acts. An evil empire is just that. no excuses and no waffling on responsibilities. I like the term ‘ Semper Fi’ as it reflects the character of truth and action you have shown.


  14. Debbie zimmerman

    Get well my friend and cheering for a speedy recovery!
    Deb Zimmerman


  15. I just stumbled across this.

    Nice work Doug!
    This is clearly a labour of love coupled nicely with an empowering side to it.
    I hope you continue to share your talent and insight for informed and balanced journalism.

    Derek Wagner


    • Doug

      Hi! My son, Jason is home from Ukraine. Quite an adventure. Medical supplies where he was were not getting through but were appearing on the Black Market. Atrocities are not in short supplies.

      He was in Kjiv and wound up training about 400 field responders and putting together some 100 First-Aid trauma field kits.

      Keep safe.

      I will write again when our life gets normalized. Meanwhile, look after yourself. You are a precious voice in an era of news noise!



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