What A Fucking Evil Madman Trump Is!

Some of You Dispute My Argument That We Canadians Should Keep The Canada-U.S. Border Closed Indefinitely?

Just Watch The Video Below. I Rest My Case

A Brief Commentary by Doug Draper, Niagara At Large

Posted May 15th, 2020

I’ve had more than a few comments already to a commentary I put on Niagara At Large earlier today, almost pleading to our Prime Minister that he keep the Canada-U.S. border closed, possibly until the end of this year.

Not till the end of the year, some have responded to me. I want to cross.

My response is so do I, but I’m more worried about the Trump nuts that don’t give a shit about social distancing and might come over here, to Canada, and trigger an outbreak of this nightmare again.

The self-described “stable genius” in the White House, gives those of us who choose to disagree with anything he says or does the you know what.

If you think I am wrong, just watch this recent madness from Donald Trump, talking about moving forward with business – pandemic or no pandemic – and actually speaking out against testing because testing my reveal that there are more COVID-19 cases.  

To watch something far less funny than Dr. Strangelove and far more dangerously insane, yet remains something that the millions of screwballs in America who continue support this nut actually see as perfectly okay, click on the screen below –

A Footnote from Doug Draper at Niagara At Large – Here is the link to the Commentary I posted on NAL earlier, on the need to keep the Canada-U.S. border indefinitely closed – https://niagaraatlarge.com/2020/05/15/dear-mr-prime-minister-please-keep-the-canada-u-s-border-closed-all-year-if-necessary/

Further to this, and if you need any further information on how dangerous the United States has become under Trump, in this age of COVID-19, here is a piece I saw on the MSNBC pr0gram this Friday, May 15. Later on, Linda Babb posted it on her great Niagara area onside Facebook page, The Peoples’ Platform.

Please watch it right through to the end so you can here what a renown expert on international affairs, Dr. Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University in New York City has to say, and once again, I rest my case on my plea to keep the Canada-U.S. border closed.

To watch the Morning Joe segment, click on the screen below –

Okay, now come tell me we shouldn’t keep the Canada-U.S. border closed to Trumpies.

We need to keep our entrance ways to Canada from Trumpland closed.

There is no damn way that Canadians, who have sacrificed so much over the past many weeks to drive the Coronavirus curve down, should allow people who think this killer virus is some kind of a hoax or joke to drive it across our border.

NIAGARA AT LARGE encourages you to join the conversation by sharing your views on this post in the space following the Bernie Sanders quote below.

 “A Politician Thinks Of The Next Election. A Leader Thinks Of The Next Generation.” – Bernie Sanders

5 responses to “What A Fucking Evil Madman Trump Is!

  1. Michel Sastre

    Of course we should keep the border under the current conditions. the Trumper is more trouble than anyone, and that everyone together could stand. However, I am not convinced that he will not be re-elected, to the shame of the USA and the great danger to the world.


  2. Linda McKellar

    I have E-mailed the PM and my MP urging continued closure until the US gets their pandemic somewhat under control. It’s not a vendetta, it’s common sense. If Trump can close down flights from China, we must have the same right to regulate our borders. We ARE a sovereign nation. It’s sad but necessary. I have American friends too.
    I also suggested to them that truckers drop their trailers at the border in both directions and pick up another trailer of goods for their return trip rather than carry Covid to our communities here …or there.
    What good is it for us to sacrifice and follow recommendations, as many are also doing in the US, if the scoff laws do whatever they want? I have had no one in my house except myself for about 10 weeks!
    The Covid death rate that I last heard, was THREE TIMES higher per capita in the US than in Canada. That means someone is not doing a good job and it’s not us.
    Do people just not comprehend how dangerous this can be if left to spread? Do people not comprehend that the economy will take even longer to recover after a second wave?
    Why do they try to discredit the experts and the CDC?
    It is stunning how Trump has managed in just three short years to destabilize the entire planet and to alienate a neighbour that has been an ally and friend for 200 years. He’s got to go!


  3. In an American survey, 30% of Americans believe in conspiracy theories (compared to 10% of Canadians). These Americans will go against health measures, like social distancing. Southern Ontario is way too close to New York State, the largest COVID-19 epicenter of the world!


  4. Gary Screaton Page

    Open the border soon? No! Canada has approx. 1/10 the population of the U.S. but 1/17th the number of Covid-19 deaths as the U.S. Moreover, Canada has 1/20th the number of cases as the U.S. Clearly, Canadians are doing a better job of dealing with Covid-19 than Trump’s America. So, why would we want to follow their pattern? Keep the border closed until Trump gets his act together regarding Covid-19. Canadians are seemingly better disciplined in fighting this war against this terrible disease and clearly more successful.


  5. America is an incredible experiment in many respects. There are millions of decent, intelligent and thoughtful Americans. Unfortunately a core group of power hungry revisionists have gamed the system and activated a fascist coup.
    Keep the border closed. Keep it closed Indefinitely. Work on closer trade relationships with Europe. The incredibly incompetent and lethal US administration have deliberately politicized this international health crisis to forward a fascist agenda. They are putting the entire world at greater risk. Into the mix the original sins of their corrupt abuse of capitalism via racism and exploitation are coming home domestically. The truth is Canadians have more in common with Scandinavians and other EU nations (currently not the UK anymore under Boris) than they ever have with gun totting, slave owning, puritans.
    I am the grandson and son of two WW2 veterans.Both fought the Nazis in the resistance. Both were concentration camp survivors. Both would concur with my comments were they alive to witness these current atrocities. I am grateful they are not here to witness this insanity. Peace and love to all.


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