A Few More Thoughts on the Fragility of Democracy on the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in Europe

A Commentary by Gary Screaton Page, a resident of Fort Erie in Niagara, Ontario

Posted May 10th, 2020 on Niagara At Large

World War II was a tragedy on so many fronts. On so many levels the human cost was incalculable!

So, too, the cost to our humanity. Little understood is how a nation that once birthed great music, art, writing, theology, and philosophy could so crumble to the point of raising a Hitler.

We must be vigilant. Democracy is fragile.

In spite of our pride in our nation, we are not immune in Canada to what happened in Germany in 1933, after the Reichstag adopted the Enabling Act of 1933 in March that year giving expanded authority, Hindenburg had previously appointed Hitler as Chancellor on 30 January 1933 after parliamentary elections and much backroom intrigue.

Look South. See how Donald Trump is disregarding Congressional oversight. See how Trump, through his crony, William Barr, United States Attorney General, maneuvered to free the likes of Mike Flynn despite two guilty pleas that sent him to prison.

Note how Trump lies consistently to the American public. Note how so many of his un-American antics continue to receive the full support of nearly 40% of Americans.

Then also note how our own Prime Minister was implicated in an apparent attempt to try to pressure Jody Wilson-Raybould when she was attorney general to step in and resolve the corruption and fraud case against SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. in an effort to spare the Montreal-based engineering giant from criminal prosecution.

Note, too, how many black Americans have died at the  hands of white police officers, how much more affected black and Hispanic Americans are to Covid-19 due to their socio-economic status, and further note how the U.S. White House is testing daily everyone there, while Trump diminishes the need for testing for the rest of the nation, and you will see more clearly my point.

Then, you may become more aware of just how readily a nation can turn from democracy and high ideals to being mean and adopt a fascist ideology.

Our freedom is fragile. Honour those who served, and the many who died to save it, by being vigilant so it does not happen again.

Beware my fellow Canadians. The “Mean-ing of America! is becoming clearer every day. Is Canada getting meaner, too?

Remember: lest we forget!

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“A Politician Thinks Of The Next Election. A Leader Thinks Of The Next Generation.” – Bernie Sanders

One response to “A Few More Thoughts on the Fragility of Democracy on the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in Europe

  1. In fairness to both Mr. Page and the comment shared here by Mr. Dunn, I can understand why Mr. Dunn sees absolutely no moral equivalence between Hitler and what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was trying to do when he interfered in the SNC-Lavalin affair.
    However,I do not believe that Mr. Page was going there with respect to placing our Prime Minister in any zone involving the evil of a Hitler, or I would not have posted his commentary.
    I believe that Mr. Page, as I do, sees a disturbing similarity between Mr. Trudeau interfering in a case involving alleged criminal fraud, and at least one of any number of cases that Trump’s stooge of an attorney general, Mr. Barr, has interfered in for purely political reasons that show no respect for a fair and equal exercise of the law.
    I agree with Mr. Page that our Canada should not go anywhere near the assaults on justice and democracy we have witnessed happening south of the border.
    As for Mr. Trudeau and the SNC-Lavalin scandal, that is one he will have to live with as part of his political legacy, for better or worse.


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