There Must Be Some Way Of Bringing Criminal Charges Against A Former Ontario Premier

A Brief Comment by Doug Draper

I was going to begin this one by asking how former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty can live with himself. Then I quickly reminded myself that a jackal like this (with my apologies to jackals of the canine variety) can live with himself quite easily.

The arrogant creep that was - former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty

The arrogant creep that was – former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty

Think I am being a little hard on the former premier here. Well, think about it again.

I mean here are many of the rest of us in this province, who this creep once claimed to care about , busting our butts. trying to keep enough of a job to put food on our tables. Meanwhile, McGuinty – still premier at the time – is deciding to undo plans to build gas-fired power plants in Mississauga and Oakville two years ago because the plans were up against enough ‘not-in-my-backyard’ protest from residents in those communities to possibly cost his Liberal government a couple of key seats in the legislature.

A few weeks ago, it was disclosed in an Ontario auditor’s report that this decision cost Ontario taxpayers at least $585 million – enough to build another new hospital in the province, just to put the cost in perspective.

Then, just this May 14 we learn in a report in The Globe and Mail that McGuinty sent advisors to assure the Calgary corporation responsible for building at least one of these plants  that it would received “the entire value of a a cancelled contract.”

Well isn’t that considerate of McGuinty. What is he bucking for? A seat on the corporation’s board? What about making sure that Ontario’s beleaguered taxpayers get value for their money, you arrogant reptile?

This gas-fired plant business is as much of a violaton to the taxpayers of Ontario as someone stealing a wallet full of  cash and charge cards out of our pockets, and there ought to be a way of filing criminal charges for such an offense. Why should McGuinty get off simply by resigning from politics? He is even going to collect his government pension, for Christ’s sake!

While I am at it, I’m also getting pretty sick and tired of the pious crap coming out of the mouth of the province’s Conservative Party leader Tim Hudak too. During the same 2011 provincial election when McGuinty made the decision to move these plants, Hudak promised to do the same thing if he were elected premier at that point. Now he is using this as an argument for pulling the plug on the government of the new Liberal premier Kathleen Wynne, who may not have had anything directly to do with McGuinty’s scandalous decision.

So hey Tim, if ended up costing the province’s taxpayers more than half a billion dollars to move these plants under McGuinty, how could it be possible that it would cost any less if you did it as premier?

You might want to put a plug in it on this one and move on to something else to bash the Liberals over. How about your promise to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a new hospital for south Niagara? Where are you going to find the money for that Tim, while you are promising to slash taxes too?

As for the new Liberal premier Kathleen Wynne, it might be sad if she is bounced out of office and we might have a Hudak/Harris Conservative government take its place over this mess over McGuinty. What we ought to do, as Ontario residents, is demand that McGuinty be brought to justice over this misuse of over half a billion dollars of our money to save his government’s bacon.

For more information, read the story from The Globe and Mail by clicking on

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6 responses to “There Must Be Some Way Of Bringing Criminal Charges Against A Former Ontario Premier

  1. Will MacKenzie

    Just so every one knows and understands: Doug Draper and I have agreed to disagree (quite strongly!) on a number of issues.

    But on this one, I am with him all the way!

    I have just read a late item on the Toronto Star website, in which the new Premier, Kathleen Wynne apologizes for the power plant cancellation fiasco.

    My response: too little, too late!

    If she wants me to accept her apology, the Liberal Party of Ontario will have to hand over a cheque to cover ALL the costs involved in the whole disaster. That cheque will have to be in the neighbourhood of $1-Billion.

    And yes, I agree, Dalton McGuinty should be thrown in jail — and when he dies, he should (and probably will) rot in hell!

    Yes, I am an angry old man who is fed up with the crap we are taking from politicians these days!


  2. Patricia Fitzpatrick Naylor

    Thanks for telling it as it is Doug. Anyone in a position to do so much financial harm to so many should be made accountable for their misdeeds.


  3. You are being too kind to guilty McGuinty. Include Ornge and the economics of industrial wind turbines (IWT) are so bad that collusion or corruption could be involved.


  4. Greg Middleton

    It amazes me that despite our weak options, we are not sending a message to the other parties (weak options) to kick this government out. We can not reward this behaviour with an extended mandate.
    Kathleen (mini-mcguinty) is no better.
    And yes, where are the AG, RCMP and whatever other watchdogs that are out there with respect to charges. Why not even an investigation into wrong doing? Guess they are too busy worried about the little guys to take on a politician!
    We should haunt McGuinty. Surely he will look for a job or a board position. Why don’t we make that impossible for him by boycotting whatever company that would be stupid enough to consider having him on their team.
    And all the while we slave to pay over 65% of our income in some form of tax!!! And all the while, even sadder to say, all levels of government are equally capable of and responsible for waste, inefficiency and corruption!!!
    Just sayin….


  5. Sorry Mr. Draper, but no one is going to jail or even being held accountable. Canada and its Provinces have successfully created a ‘Patrician Class’ that is completely unaccountable to the ordinary Canadian citizen.

    Rome’s ‘Patrician Class’ destroyed Rome and they are currently tearing the fabric of Canada.

    We must fight for laws and protection by not voting for any politician who will not state categorically that they promote and support new laws to protect Canadians from political and bureaucratic misconduct.

    P.S. Please stop calling slime-ball politicians by their first name…


  6. Keith Ratcliffe

    Actually jail is too good for him. Not another penny of tax money should be spent of this guy. His government (and others) have cost us billions of dollars with zero return on our investment. And it will happen again and again unless we demand true accountability from our elected representatives and their parties. A recall law with real financial penalties for federal and provincial politicians (and their parties) should be put in place. A good start would be; loss of pension, garnishee of any future earnings and some loss of party funding.


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