Tim Hudak Reaches Out, Once Again, To Alberta And Its Tar Sands As A Job Creator For Ontario

Submitted by the Office of Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak

(A Note from Niagara At Large publisher Doug Draper – NAL takes total responsibility for the headline you may already have read above the following statement by Ontario Conservative leader Tim Hudak, which we have posted below in its entirety.

You may very well note that Tim Hudak and, for that matter, most of the mainstream media in Canada refer to the Alberta tar sands more favourably as “oil sands.” NAL has made a firm editorial decision to join many of the more progressive news sources in the United States in referring to this abomination to the planet – one of the filthiest sources for oil on record in this world – as tar sands.

It is a far more accurate description of what is this God-awful, filthy goo, strip mined like you would gut a fish, and with no remorse from the government of Alberta or the current government of Canada, for gutting ever more of what is left of the majestic boreal forest region of Alberta.)


  • Tim Hudak, MPP
  • Leader, the PC Party of Ontario
  • Meeting with the Hon. Alison Redford, Premier of Alberta
  • January 30, 2013 

Historically, Alberta and Ontario have been the economic engines of Confederation. All of Canada stands to benefit through job creation and economic growth in the 21st century, if our two provinces leverage their respective strengths for national advantage.

Are these tar sands Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak's idea of a healthy, economic future?

Are these tar sands Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak’s idea of a healthy, economic future?

The facts are beyond dispute: According to the Canadian Energy Research Institute, over the next 25 years the Alberta oil sands projects will require an estimated $63 billion in job-creating goods and services from Ontario. Even today, some 500 Ontario-based companies are involved in oil sands work. More than a dozen of these firms employ over 1,000 people. In short, the oil sands are a game-changer for the Canadian economy and for job creation in Ontario.

Having travelled to Calgary twice as Leader, and to Fort McMurray to see the oil sands and the contributions of Ontario companies first-hand, I recognize the opportunity it affords for jobs for more than 500,000 unemployed men and women in Ontario. I will pursue this through ensuring the creation of more skilled trades jobs, working with the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia to expand the New West Partnership Trade Agreement to include this province in an expanded inter-provincial free trade zone, and strengthening our once-robust manufacturing sector with lower taxes, affordable energy and a more flexible workforce.

The people of Ontario want a strong partnership between our two provinces, and expect goodwill and cooperation at every level. Today’s discussion can only strengthen a partnership that will drive Canada’s economy in the 21st century.

 For more news on Ontario Conservative Leader Tim Hudak’s enthusiasm for the Alberta tar sands as a possible economic driver for Ontario, visit the following article in The Toronto Sun from May of 2012 by clicking on  http://www.torontosun.com/2012/05/23/oilsands-are-an-opportunity-hudak .

(Niagara At Large invites all of you who care to share your first and last name with your views to comment on this post.) 

3 responses to “Tim Hudak Reaches Out, Once Again, To Alberta And Its Tar Sands As A Job Creator For Ontario

  1. Hudak and his neo-cns, along with Harper and his neo-cons need to be shown the door. He’s going back to the same crap as Harris. One tactic is going after welfare recipients, some of whom admittedly have been generational but many who have not, as a tactic to stir up anger in the populace in general. Pick a scape goat and run for it. His proposals date back to the 80’s and were garbage then.
    He touts privatization and his whole life he has leeched off the public purse and spent a good deal of his youth seeing what grants he could get from the government and what cushy jobs he could get on the taxpayers’ dimes. Not unlike his compatriots in the US, he wants everything privatized and he supports big business regardless of its economic consequences for the individual or consequences to the environment.
    He has stated he is in favour of the American style “Right to Work” laws that basically ensure the right to work for less under poorer conditions. As each US state has accepted these laws they undercut their neighbours to obtain work and the labourers lose dollars and benefits.
    Sure he’ll support the tar sands because everything he does is stupid and archaic. Why doesn’t he propose clean energy alternatives that could spread the work across the country instead of in one province? Well that wouldn’t suit his big business bosses would it?
    Well don’t worry Timmy, if you don’t get elected, one of you big business cronies will surely give you another cushy job where you won’t break a nail. Some people sure know how to play the system and I don’t mean the welfare recipients he likes to disparage.


  2. Mister Hudak says he will create thousands of skilled trades jobs to take advantage of the Tar Sands . But isn’t his Federal Conservative Cousins through new Imagration policies going to bring in thousands of foreign skilled trades people and cycle them through every 3 years so OUR young Canadians will not have a sniff at these Career High paying jobs . Let alone have the opportunity to PAY TAXES in their OWN Country !!


  3. Tim Hudak is from Stevensville area and before he became a wild eyed Conservative his whole family were Liberals, He has no legitimacy in my opinion, I no longer believe in anything , That Liberals or Conservatives say. thats why I switched to the Green Party of Niagara.


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