Enbridge Oil Spill Disaster May Help Sink Other Tar Sand Pipeline Proposals

A Brief Commentary by Doug Draper

Opponents of plans by Canada’s Harper government and its corporate masters to build the Keystone pipeline from the Alberta tar sands to Texas and the Northern Gateway pipeline from the same hell hole of a place to the Pacific coast in British Columbia now have another powerful argument in their favour, courtesy of Enbridge Inc.

An aireal shot of the awful mess a leaking Enbridge oil pipeline made of the waters of Michiigan. The Calgary-based oil company is expected to pay $800 million or more in an attempt to clean this filth up, although some experts wonder if the ecosystem will ever fully recover in our lifetime.

In case you missed the July 10 nightly news broadcasts on CBC and numerous American channels, the Calgary, Alberta-based petroleum firm was blasted in a report prepared by the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board for its negligence in a major oil pipeline leak in Michigan two years ago. And it speaks to exactly the kind of concerns raised by environmental groups that have been written off as fear-mongers and enemies of Canadian interests by Harper and company over their opposition to the Keystone and Northern Gateway pipeline.

The Enbridge pipeline spill into the Kalamazoo River watershed and its wetlands occurred two years ago this July and has gone down on record as one of the worst oil spills on the North American continent.  The U.S. report lambasts Enbridge for reacting to initial reports of the spill two slowly, but most of all for not dealing with information it was privy to for at least five years that the pipeline was corroded and cracked – suggesting that this corporation had chosen to put profits before safety.

What is particularly disgusting and what should be of concern to more Canadians than seem to care now is that Harper and his tar sands party used its omnibus budget bill this spring to ram through legislation that weakens environmental regulations and reviews to make approvals of oil pipelines and related dirty oil operations easier to obtain.

In a statement following the release of the U.S. report, Enbridge said; “Enbridge believes that at the time of the accident, it met or exceeded all applicable regulatory and industry standards for its operations.”

If that is true, God help us and God help any fish habitat that the Harper bunch, under its amendments to Canada’s Fisheries Act, does not deem to be worth protecting unless the fish are of some immediate commercial value. In one of the most stinging reports on the Enbridge spill and the findings in the U.S. report, Rachel Maddow, host of the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC said of the Enbridge statement; ‘If this isn’t an endorsement for stronger environmental regulations, what is?’

I am sorry to keep repeating myself, but we Canadians should be embarrassment, if not horrified, to have a federal government that cares so little about protecting the life-sustaining resources of this – the only planet in this universe we have to live on – for present and future generations.

You would think that Harper and those members of his caucus who have children and grandchildren growing up in this world would at least give a damn about their future, wouldn’t you?

For Rachel Maddow’s piece on the Enbridge pipeline disaster, you can click on the following link if you don’t mind working your way through a 15 second commercial ahead of it. Note also that Maddow, unlike most of the wimps in the mainstream media in Canada has not rolled over and agreed to call the tar sands the “oil sands,” just because spin doctors and other flaks working for dirty oil in Alberta said so. Now here is the link 

http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/report-finds-oil-company-failures-enabled-disastrous-spill/17ydtgkpk .

 (Niagara At Large encourages our readers to share their views on this post below, remembering that we only post comments by individuals who also share their first and last names.)

5 responses to “Enbridge Oil Spill Disaster May Help Sink Other Tar Sand Pipeline Proposals

  1. Linda McKellar

    Enbridge has always been an accident waiting to happen. Unfortunately Harper and some Albertans are obsessed with the dollar signs the tar sands offer. To hell with the consequences.


  2. Absolutely correct, Doug, Linda & Mark.

    There are probably better ways to get this tar-sands oil & gas to market, like expanding the existing Fraser River pipeline into Burrard Inlet (Vancouver), or carrying it on tanker-trains, as Warren Buffet is doing until the Keystone XL pipeline is built to carry it to Houston TX. (Can anyone explain why that isn’t being proposed for BC?)

    However, the real way to avoid the need for pipelines is for each of us to reduce our OIL consumption. Don’t blame Harper/Martin/Chretien/Mulroney/Trudeau/Pearson/Diefenbaker/StLaurent/MacKenzie-King….

    If you haven’t bought a bicycle or an electric or hybrid car, or put Renewable Energy on your home, BLAME YOURSELF!!

    Furthermore, if the world economy doesn’t recover soon, the price of oil will continue to fall, and tar-sands oil will be unaffordable (break-even is U$85+/barrel), and we’ll soon discover how many Ontario jobs originate in Alberta.


  3. Preston Haskell

    Let’s see, we hate the ‘tar sands’, we hate ‘pipe lines’, we hate ‘wind mills’, and we hate ‘nulear plants’.
    Looks like we might freeze in the dark after all!


  4. Linda McKellar

    Wind turbines and solar energy sound great to me. If mankind can fly a vehicle to Saturn, coordinate the orbits of earth and Saturn, then coordinate the orbit of Saturn’s largest moon Titan, and then make a soft landing on it, NOBODY can tell me there is not someone out there who has the secret of alternative fuels. What is missing is the political and financial will. It’s all about immediate gain for future pain. Big oil will continue to suppress alternatives via its financial might regardless of the results. Glad I’m getting old so I can croak before the shit really hits the fan environmentally. The human race, for all its intelligence, can be phenomenally stupid to be duped by these people and the people doing the duping somehow feel their progeny will be immune to the results.Good luck on that folks!


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