Debate Shows That Biden, As Well As Trump, Spell ‘Deep Trouble’ For America, And The World

‘Biden proved himself no longer able to manage the challenge of being president. He failed to show himself up to the intellectual task.’

A Commentary by Niagara resident and writer Gary Screaton Page

Posted June 28th, 2024 on Niagara At Large

Both Trump (right) and Biden give the world something to very much worry about.

The word that best describes the US presidential debate Thursday night, June 27, 2024, is “tragic!”

Neither candidate shone. In fact, both were disasters, not just for their respective parties but, tragically. for America, and for the world.

Biden and Trump were the authors of their own undoing. America is in deep trouble!

Biden from the start, floundered in his responses and at times lost his train of thought entirely.

 Trump continued as he always has – attacking his opponent in personal terms, saying little of real substance, and certainly not much on policies. He refused to answer many questions put to him, lied repeatedly, perseverated on themes he could not move away from and let his ego run away with him as is his want.

Has U.S. President Joe Biden, now 81, lost the capacity to govern on for a second term?

However, the real tragedy is the unmistakable evidence that America has been unable to put forth any person of strong character, developed intellect, and proven leadership ability that could carry the nation forward. Instead, the debaters proved America is in trouble!

Biden proved himself no longer able to manage the challenge of being president. He failed to show himself up to the intellectual task: not a man who should be able to order a nuclear attack.

Trump proved he cannot change. He will always be a narcissistic, egotistical juvenile in a man’s body: a man who more than one hundred mental health practitioners warned Americans he was mentally ill! Trump is at the very least a convicted felon!

We saw the evidence that America is becoming a mean nation!

Unless a leader of the calibre and charisma of say Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George Bush (the elder) or the like emerges before the next election, the great America experiment in democracy may fail!

The world will teeter closer to the brink of destruction. Biden showed he is not up to the task of president any longer, and Trump, as his own niece, Psychologist Mary Trump has said “is the most dangerous man in the world.”

Gary Screaton Page lives in Fort Erie, Ontario. He is an author and pastor with a Ph.D. in Counseling. He is also a a retired Niagara Regional Police Services chaplain.

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“A Politician Thinks Of The Next Election. A Leader Thinks Of The Next Generation.” – Bernie Sanders

One response to “Debate Shows That Biden, As Well As Trump, Spell ‘Deep Trouble’ For America, And The World

  1. Linda McKellar

    Very disappointed and very scared! Nothing against Joe but he is pulling a Ruth Bader Ginsberg. He did a respectable job and now should put country above himself and hand the reins to someone else while there is still time.


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