His Passion For the Great Falls of Niagara and Niagara River Parkway Was Unmatched – Goodbye George Bailey

A Brief Remembrance from Doug Draper, Niagara At Large

Posted June 26th, 2024

One of Niagara Falls’ most passionate voices, George Bailey

Niagara, Ontario – For as many years as this veteran journalist can remember, George Bailey was the human face and voice for the Great Falls of Niagara and the scenic Parkway running along the Niagara River’s Canadian shores.

To many, he was more than just a communications director for Ontario’s Niagara Parks Commission for the many years he worked there.

He was the best tour guide a visitor to the Falls could ever have during has time at Niagara Parks in the 1980s and 90s and he was certainly a guide to many, including former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalyn, and Princess Diana and her two young sons and Princes William and Harry.

After his tour of The Falls with Princess Diana was coming to an end, I recall him telling me that the Princess said to the two boys; “Aren’t you going to thank Mr. Bailey?”, at which point young William and Harry ran back and gave him a royal thank you.

George Bailey’s book on Marilyn Monroe at The Falls during the making of the 1953 movie ‘Niagara’.

George Bailey was also a great chronicler of Falls history, writing numerous articles and books, including a book called ‘Marilyn Monroe’ and the Making of “Niagara”,’ a 1953 Hollywood blockbuster at the time that his father had a cameo appearance in as a captain (which he actually was) on one of the Maids of the Mist.

For this reporter, who was covering a good number of serious environmental challenges the Niagara River was facing at the time, he was on my list as one of the go-to people to call when you wanted to add context to any story you were writing about this great waterway.

The only other person I know who is in the same league as a chronicler of Falls history through books and articles is Michael Clarkson,  a reporter friend I worked with during my years at The St. Catharines Standard.

Another one of George Bailey’s well-recieved books on the Great Falls of Niagara

George continued writing articles about the Falls after he retired from the Parks Commission two and a half decades ago and I would continue to cross paths with him from time to time when a historic plaque was being unveiled or some other ceremony was taking place along the river. On every one of these occasions, he was as passionate about the Falls and river as ever.

George Bailey died this past June 21st. He will be sorely missed.

Fortunately, he leaves a treasure trove of written material and photos on this, one of the most powerful and spectacular water bodies  in the world, for generations to come.

With a legacy like that George, you can Rest In Peace. 

  • Doug Draper, reporter/publisher, Niagara At Large

To read an obituary for George Bailey, click on George Walter Bailey – Essentials Cremation and Burial Services Inc. (essentialscbs.com)

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One response to “His Passion For the Great Falls of Niagara and Niagara River Parkway Was Unmatched – Goodbye George Bailey

  1. What a terrific individual. I’m sure he would be pleased you remember him. Sad to see someone who cared so much about Niagara pass.


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