Remembering The Air India Flight 182 Bombing on Canada’s National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism

A Statement from Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre

Posted June 23rd, 2024 on Niagara At Large

Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on the National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism:

“Thirty-nine years ago, Canadians witnessed the worst terror attack in our nation’s history. 329 passengers aboard Air India Flight 182, including 280 Canadians, were murdered while flying to the United Kingdom from Toronto. 137 children were tragically denied their 18th birthday.

“We must not allow the memory of those who lost their lives in this horrific attack to be forgotten. We pray for the families and loved ones whose lives were devastated by these atrocious acts. And we remain resolved to confront terrorism everywhere it rears its ugly head.

“Nobody should have to live with the unimaginable pain that terrorism wreaks upon our society. We must always defend freedom and innocent lives from monsters who traffic in violent ideologies and whose sole mission is death and destruction.

“Today, acts of terror in Canadian schools, places of worship, and communities are on the rise. Canada’s Common Sense Conservatives will always fight for freedom over fear, hope over hate, and light over darkness. May this remembrance of all lives lost in terror attacks rededicate us to this essential mission.”

A Footnote by Doug Draper at Niagara At Large – I am certainly no fan of federal Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre and his policies or lack there of on climate change, health care, affordable housing  and a broad range of other issues.

However, what he has to say here, particularly around the act of terrorism that destroyed the lives of the passengers and crew on Air India Flight 182, is important and needs reminding and consideration from all of us.

Thirty-nine years after a bomb was planted on that commercial plane before it took flight from Canadian soil, our police, prosecutors and courts have absolutely failed in their responsibility to bring the perpetrators of this horrible crime to justice.

I cannot help but wonder- just as I do in the case of Canada’s shamefully long list of missing Indigenous women and girls if we would have seen more justice is most or all of the victims were white rather than brown.

And on that score, I have no more faith in one political party or another in our country to get to the bottom of these crimes.

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