The Kitchen’s Too Hot For Ontario Premier Doug Ford

Ford Government Has So Far Failed Ontarians on Producing and Launching an Effective Extreme Heat Preparedness Plan

A Call for Protective Action from the Green Party of Ontario

Posted  June 20th. 2024 on Niagara At Large


We’re still pushing the Ford government to take action to protect Ontarians during the heat waves expected this summer.

Our plan includes setting a maximum allowed temperature in rental homes and long-term care homes, increasing access to cooling centres, strengthening protections for workers and making sure our downtowns have adequate tree cover.

Ontario isn’t ready to deal with extreme heat.

Summers are only going to get hotter and that means that more people are at risk of heat related illnesses and complications.

For seniors and people with underlying health conditions the heat can be deadly. In fact, there have been more than 1,000 reported heat related deaths in Canada in the last 15 years.

With a threat as predictable as extreme heat, there’s no excuse for being unprepared.

That’s why we’re calling on Premier Ford to come up with a real plan to prepare Ontario for extreme heat before we need it, not after.

Will you join us (by calling on the Ford Government and your MPP for action)?

Sincerely, Sherry Wu, Organizer.Ontario Greens

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