Ontario’s NDP Calls For More Government Action As ’Heat Dome’ Poses High Health Risk for Many of Province’s Homeowners and Renters With Little or No AC

“As the climate crisis deepens, we have a responsibility to take immediate action to to ensure everyone lives in a safe and comfortable home. …  In this brutally hot weather, many Ontario renters are living in miserable and even dangerous conditions because their apartment is too hot and they don’t have air conditioning. …. The 2021 heat wave in British Columbia contributed to 777 deaths, many of the deceased were elderly or vulnerable and living alone in unconditioned apartments. Heat kills.”                                                                                                             – from an Open Letter to Ford Government from Ontario NDP Housing Critic Jessica Bell

A News Release and Open Letter from Jessica Beill, Housing Critic for Ontario’s NDP Official Opposition Party

Posted June 20th, 2024 on Niagara At Large

TORONTO – Ontario NDP housing critic Jessica Bell (University– Rosedale) is sounding the alarm on dangerous red tape that is putting Ontarians at risk from extreme heat this summer in her letter to the province’s housing minister.

“Nobody deserves to be working, living, or learning in temperatures that put their health at risk,” said Bell.

“In this brutally hot weather, many Ontario renters are living in miserable and even dangerous conditions due to extreme heat.

“To ensure renters live in safe and comfortable homes, we are calling for this government to establish a maximum temperature law for rentals, and permit tenants to safely install air-conditioning units in their homes.”

Read Bell’s full letter by clicling on the following link –  (https://mcusercontent.com/353019c4e982ae7eb8ea53150/files/b29c7c30-6869-7fa6-5cb0-1e286c11bf68/2024_06_18_Establish_a_maximum_temp_in_summer_and_enforce_Bill_97_to_Paul_Calandra.pdf) .

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