Ten Years Of Progress – ‘Ontario On Right Track For Brighter Future’

NAL progress Matthews,

From the Office of Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews

(A brief note from Niagara At Large – Well, a few days back we ran a post from Ontario’s opposition Conservative Party charging that the decade of Liberal Party government in the province has added up to “10 lost years.” So in fairness, here is a post from one of the Liberal government’s veteran cabinet ministers celebrating the past 10 years. We leave it to our readers to judge the merits of the points made in these posts.)

October 3, 2013 – When I was elected as part of the Liberal team in 2003, the people of Ontario were suffering from years of reckless decisions by PC and NDP governments.

Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews

Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews

Across the province, people were dealing with blackouts, long hospital wait times and over-crowded schools. Relationships with our important labour partners were toxic and subway lines were being bulldozed over.

That was 10 years ago. Since then, through the leadership of Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne, the Ontario Liberal government has turned this province around.

Today, our class sizes are far smaller and our graduation rates are way up. Children benefit from full-day kindergarten and young people can access 30 per cent off their college and university tuition.

An additional 2.1 million people have access to a family doctor and wait times have dropped dramatically. We’ve built 570 new schools and 23 new hospitals.

For the good of our health and our natural environment, we’ve phased out coal-fired power and protected 1.8 million acres of land by creating the Greenbelt.

We’ve made people’s everyday lives easier with the Ontario Child Benefit, an increased minimum wage and tax credits for our hard-working families.

Together, we’ve made so much progress. Ontario deserves a government that believes in building people up, not slashing services like the PCs.

Please share our positive message on Facebook and Twitter and donate $10 or more to help us keep Ontario on the right track for a brighter future.

(Niagara At Large invites you to share your views on this post. We remind you that we only post comments from individuals who also share their real first and last name with their views. Pseudonyms contravene our belief that each and every one of us should be accountable for the views we express in a public forum.)

9 responses to “Ten Years Of Progress – ‘Ontario On Right Track For Brighter Future’

  1. Matthews doesn’t really honestly believe the crap she’s spewing, does she? If so, then I say we bottle whatever the hell she’s smoking and get it on the market asap. We’ll have the provincial debt paid in no time. The arrogance of this corrupt Liberal Party just makes me sick.


  2. What planet are you living on Ms. Matthews….or should I say what fairy tale do you expect us to believe? Since the Liberals took over they have built one new hospital in Niagara, but in the wrong location to serve this region equitably and all the other hospitals are being surreptitiously closed, step by step. Since I moved here in 1956, Port Colborne and Welland have both deteriorated from thriving, vital cities to ghost towns. If you want to wake up to what is really happening under your regime, come to south Niagara. Beyond these disasters you have created , just consider Ehealth, ORNGE and the Gas Plan scandals and the Liberal Party should do the right thing and resign.


  3. I waited in the ER in April 2012 for 4 hours with a VERY high BP and a headache before getting a spot in an examining room. I was sent home with Tylenol #3’s. A CT scan ordered by my MD the next day showed I had a stroke. Thank you Deb Matthews for your concern and all of the improvements you’ve made – NOT!


  4. I have never liked Deb Matthews … there is something about her that really bothers me. Maybe it is the excrement that comes out of her mouth every time she opens it.
    I know, I know, that is somewhat harsh. But I am sick of the way the Liberals constantly blow their own horn when they should be hiding their heads in shame.
    I guess as I get older I am becoming an angry old man.


  5. Deb Matthews is obviously suffering from some form of delusional thinking or lives in a cave up north. I have never heard such poppycock in all my life, except for what comes from those crazy people from the Tea Party, a faction allied with the Republican Party in the USA. She is insulting the intelligence of the people of Ontario with such whoppers, and I don’t mean the hamburgers.


  6. This Liberal Government has made “Consultants” rich and the taxpayers are footing the bill. The hospital (lack) situation in the Niagara Region is a sad, sickening disaster engineered by what seems corrupt elements for personal financial gain, (NOTE WELL)
    There was but one transparent consultation with the stakeholders and that was literally forced on the NHS by what could have been and possibly should have been a “taxpayer revolt” in the Southern Tier of the Region and that was held in the busy hallway of the Welland YMCA (They, the NHS, were offered a room but refused) In attendance was Sevenpifer, Matthews, Clark and one person from the LHIN
    The NHS component of the Sunshine list certainly illustrates the degree of incompetence that grew within the Administration Empire over the past decade or so and this was/is rubber stamped by this inept Liberal Government.
    Examples of Matthew’s inability to listen and act accordingly are damning;
    People in dire need of medical attention in the “parking lot” were not rushed to and brought in….. but told to call an ambulance?
    Two days ago I took an older woman who had passed out on the sidewalk in Welland to the New Taj Mahal in the big box area of St Catharines. This was at 10am she sat around for hours even though she was very sick and was suffering from Head pain and dizziness She eventually got home at about 9 PM….11 hours??????
    The same day, at a little after 11 am I took very severe cancer patient to the Welland Hospital as directed by the Juravinski Clinic in Hamilton and I left the Welland Hospital knowing he would be sitting around for hours. He eventually arrived home at about 10PM ..,..Another 11 hour wait even though he was in very severe pain that his medication could not appease.????
    Madam Health Minstrel your spin is “OLD” B.S. which has been spread too thin by your Liberal predecessors for the people of this “Once” great province to ever believe or trust again.
    Please go away, get lost and just do what failed people do….leave us alone and hopefully your messes might get cleaned up in the next few decades.


  7. Dear Kathleen Wynne,
    You seem to many Ontarians — even those who have come to hate your party — to be an intelligent women who knows how to listen. So, please, take a tip: dump your health minister. NOW.
    Yes, I know you owe her, but it’s time you recognized that she is quite probably the most hated person in your Cabinet. She has no credibility whatsoever…and that reflects on you.
    Keep Deb, and you’ve lost us. Fire her, and we just might start believing you.
    Trust me on this.
    Fiona McMurran


  8. OMG…. sorry Oh MY GOD, is this person so oblivious to the obvious. What color is the sky in her world!
    Record deficits (we spend $10B a year in interest AT TODAYS RATE)
    They spend money we don’t have as a province or individuals.
    I still had to wait 12 hours in emergency the last time I went.
    It still took over a year to complete a colonoscopy which is a pretty routine procedure. I could have been dead by the time the results came in!
    Scandal….I guess she doesn’t want to talk about Gas Plant relocates eh!
    The Liberals are done only if everyone remembers the above and gets over the brainwashing that is going to go on until the next election.
    Doug thank you for putting this up. Deb’s words really do prove how out of touch with reality the Liberal party is.
    Deb Matthews I hope you are reading this…. Your time at the trough is up you *(&^(*&^^(^^% idiot!
    Just sayin……


  9. Nothing more has to be said here.


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